Arbitration process and allotted times

Proposal review can take between 4 and 8 months, approximately, and comprises three phases:

  1. Verification of files. It will be checked that the authors have met the requirements and that the registry data correspond to the files and documentation sent. Proposals that do not meet the requirements will be discarded, as well. such as those that present inconsistencies.

  2. Anti-plagiarism analysis. Proposals that meet all the requirements will be analyzed in a program that detects similarities with other sources, to avoid plagiarism (the appropriation of ideas or other people's approaches) and self-plagiarism (retaking or reusing content from own publications without the due citation).

  3. Dictamination. The works that pass the previous steps will be submitted to the process of double-blind judgment, in which up to three will participate. Academics or specialists external to the uabc, who will issue their opinion regarding the content, structure, methodology, relevance, pertinence, originality, writing and potential audience of the proposal.